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The Music That Makes Us

Portland, OR

March 13 – April 24, 2016

Exhibition organized with Emma Colburn, Roz Crews, Amanda Leigh Evans, Emily Fitzgerald, Lauren Moran, Anke Schüttler, Renee Sills, and Kimberly Sutherland

With Zahra Ahmed, De La Salle North Catholic High School Choir, Dorian Neira and Daniel “D.J. Max” Lasuncet, Austin Green, Robin Gordon and the Celebration Tabernacle Ministry of Music, Kenton Brass, Kenton Church Choir, Shirley A. Meador, The Obo Addy Legacy Project, Peninsula School in collaboration with Caldera, Heather Perkins, André Roberson, Lisa Schonberg, Norman Sylvester, and The World Famous Kenton Club

Curated by Chiara Giovando

The Music That Makes Us was conceived and organized with the PSU Art and Social Practice MFA Program in collaboration with music related partners from the Kenton neighborhood, where Disjecta is located. Community members with musical practices were invited to collaborate on an exhibition of ephemera that explored the broad range of musical experiences in the neighborhood. The project culminated with a closing reception/festival of performances by the musicians featured in the exhibition, ranging from local church and school choirs to bands and individual artists.

