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Each week in the PSU Art and Social Practice MFA program we have an hour of what we call “topical discussion.” During that hour we explore a topic related to art and social practice. Some of the topics are very basic like collaboration, or site-specificity, but there...

It’s Time To Read Orwell Again

Nashville, TN James Robertson PKWY N/S @ Nissan Stadium, Facing East October – November 2018 I was invited to design a billboard for the For Freedoms project: After hearing about Rudi Giulani’s comment that “truth isn’t truth” I couldn’t...

A New Path to the Waterfall

Contemporary Art Gallery Lord Strathcona Elementary School Vancouver, BC 2017 -2018 Over the course of the 2017-18 school year A New Path to the Waterfall was a collaborative art project that situated a CAG satellite gallery space within MaryAnn Persoon’s...


12.22.18 I want to digress a bit from Social Practice and go into a more general topic, or topics—letters of recommendation, and open calls. I’m often asked to write letters of recommendation for students or past students for everything from small awards to PhD...


12.19.18 I’ve been talking with my students lately about the radical potential of conceptual art. Part of what I’m suggesting is that conceptual art or “conceptualism” (the art historical term for that category of work) was radical in the sense that it challenged...