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The Music That Makes Us

DisjectaPortland, OR March 13 – April 24, 2016 Exhibition organized with Emma Colburn, Roz Crews, Amanda Leigh Evans, Emily Fitzgerald, Lauren Moran, Anke Schüttler, Renee Sills, and Kimberly Sutherland With Zahra Ahmed, De La Salle North Catholic High School...

Collective Museum

Public Doors and Windows   UCSC Institute of the Arts & Sciences  Santa Cruz, California 2015 I worked with Molly Sherman and Nolan Calisch as part of our collaboration Public Doors and Windows on a project for The Institute of the Arts and Sciences (IAS) at UCSC....

NEA Interview

National Endowment for the Arts Artworks Podcast 2016 I was interviewed by Josephine Reed at the NEA Read the transcript here.  

Neighborhood Food Systems

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Open Studio 2015 I was asked to created an assignment for Mark Bradford’s Open Studio project at SFMoMA: Learn About Your Neighborhood Food System...

People’s Biennial 2014

Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit 2014-2015 I co-curated the second version of the People’s Biennial with Jens Hoffmann in Detroit. We came up with a system of asking established artists from around the country to each select someone that they thought was doing...

Highlander Spring

Public Doors and Windows  FLEX IT! My Body My Temple Parthenon Museum Nashville, TN 2014   Highlander Folk School was an adult education center founded in 1932 that brought together many labor and civil rights activists including Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King...